We can improve your pharmaceutical company’s efficiency

With our fundamental knowledges in pharmacies Supply Chain and our technologies your business can boost and grow better and faster

Currently running successful projects in Asia, Europe and Latin America. We are a team of self-motivated people who work responsibly and with the highest ambitions. We believe in you, in your company. All we ask is that you believe in us too.

Why us?

Get acquainted with our team and understand how we work and proceed towards success. There’s this notion that to grow a business, you have to be ruthless. But we know there’s a better way to grow. That’s why we’ve created an ecosystem uniting software, training, and community of experts to help businesses grow better every day.

Level Up

  • Low Profits and Low Turnover?
  • Inaccurate Forecasts?
  • Lost sales due to stockouts?

If these questions relate to your business, we can help you.

Increase Inventory Turns

  • Not Enough Funds to Develop Your Network?
  • Limited working capital?
  • Running out of Space in Warehouses?

PharmaMS provides solutions that will increase your inventory turns.

Improve Product Availability

  • In case of a market shortage your retail chain the first one to run out of the product?
  • Missed sales percentage is over 5% at BOP?

PharmaMS helps to improve product availability and to reduce missed sales.

Automate Assortment

  • 80% of goods bring less than 10% of profit?
  • Customers go to your competitors because products are not available in your pharmacy?

PharmaMS implements an Automated Assortment Management System.

Our Services


At Pharma Management Solutions we believe training is most important. We don’t only want you to solve your problems one time with our help, we want to teach you how to deal with them better in the future. In our training sessions, you are actively participating in learning our language – the language of experts.

Meet our
Business Expert

Our consultants are like the ghostbusters, only instead of ghosts, we find the gaps and build a solid strategy for your company. It’s just as cool, but because gapsbusters would sound weird, we are called PharmaManagment Solutions.


This is the part of our services that will help you skyrocket your company. In a glance, what we do is that we come in, review your data, and then we come up to you with a report of where you are now, what you need to do to go higher, and how we can help you achieve it.

About the Software

Our software is just like magic, only instead of spells, we use science. Want to know what our software can do more specifically? By releasing frozen money, we reduce stock. That has a financial improvement of at least 20%.

Also, by increasing your sales, you have again that magical 20% AT LEAST of financial improvement. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our software can actually do that. Just try it and you will see for yourselves.

Methods and Workflow


Analysis of the Current and a New Business Environment.

Pilot project

Create a Test Environment and Demonstrate the Potential to Improve.


Team training. Achieving Results in less Time.

Improving processes

Help to Determine the Strategy and Implementing Tactics to Become a Leader.

Our Results


Pharmacy Chains Integrated


Up to 99% Availability Performance Improvement

8 Days

Up to 8 Days Inventory Turns


Pharmacies Connected to the System

Our Clients

Are you ready to see your business through 4D glasses?

Contact PharmaMS and Make an Order

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